How to Make Free Blog on Blogger and WordPress Skip to main content

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How to Make Free Blog on Blogger and WordPress

How To Create A Blog - Blogging is an activity that is increasingly popular with Indonesian people today. More and more new bloggers are popping up with different topics and writing styles. To create a blog, there are actually many platforms that we can use, such as: WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger, Weebly, Webs, Jigsy, and many more. However, I noticed that most Indonesian bloggers use WordPress and Blogger (blogspot). Therefore I will discuss a little about how to create a blog on both of these platforms.

I made this article specifically for friends who do not understand how to create a blog, whether on WordPress or on Blogger. So, if you already know how, I don't think I need to read this article again. Well, for friends who don't understand how to create a blog on WP or Blogger, please continue reading, and don't forget to prepare snacks and drinks because this article is a bit long hehehe.

Previously, I told you first that these two services - WordPress and Blogger - provide free services to create a blog. However, even though both provide free services for blogging, these two platforms have differences from one another. Well, learn what are the advantages and disadvantages of these two platforms to find out which platform is the most suitable for you.

How to Create a Free Blog on Blogger (Blogspot) is Google's free blogging platform. You can create a blog for free on blogger, whether it's using a subdomain and free hosting or using your own domain with free hosting on blogger. Well, this article will discuss how to create a blog on Blogspot with a free subdomain and hosting from

Before creating a blog on blogger, I advise you to have an email account on Google mail (free). This will facilitate the process of creating your blog. If you don't understand how to make an e-mail, you can read my previous post about making e-mail. If you already have an email account in Gmail, just follow the process of creating a blog on blogspot, here are the steps:

1. The first step is to open the site.
2. On the page click the "Create Blog" button or "Enter" button. You will be directed to the page to enter your Google account. Enter the Gmail email address into the column provided, then click the Next button
3. Enter your e-mail password, in the field provided. Click the Next button.
4. If you first created a blog on Blogger, then you have to choose the profile of the Google account that will be used. You can use a regular Blogger account or Google+ account. In this article I recommend using a Google+ account, click the Create Google+ Profile button.
5. Your Google+ profile form will be filled automatically. If you want to change your personal data, such as changing your name, gender, and date of birth, you can change it on this page. When finished editing, click CREATE PROFILE.
6. Next you will be directed to the next page where you can add profile photos to your Google account. If you don't want to add photos, then you just click LETTER.
But if you want to add a profile picture, then you can click the Camera logo on the page, then upload the image. After the image upload is complete, click the SAVE button.

7. You are now done creating your Google+ account. Next you click Continue to Blogger.
8. To start creating your new blog, click the CREATE A NEW BLOG button, see the following picture.

9. You will be directed to the next page where you can enter "Blog Title", specify the name / address of the subdomain, and choose the theme of your blog.
10. After everything is filled in, please click the Create Blog button
11. Until now you have a new blog. But actually it's not finished yet, then you have to do some settings and learn some navigation on the Blogger work page.

A little explanation about the Blogger dashboard menu or navigation:

  • Post: List of articles that have been written, already published, and articles that are still in draft form. Statistics: Statistical data about your blog, detailed data about the traffic of your blog visitors including number of visitors, number of posts, and number of articles.
  • Comments: On this page, you can see incoming comments. You can also edit or even delete unwanted comments.
  • Campaign: displays a menu related to Adwords, which is Google's advertising service. Maybe now you don't need this feature yet, so just leave it first
  • Pages: Static pages like the page on WordPress. Usually used for About pages, TOS, and others.
  • Layout: On this page you can adjust the layout of your blog, add or adjust the widget position.
  • Theme: On this page you can change the theme of the blog as you wish.
  • Settings: This page is used to set blog settings, how many articles will be displayed on the main page (homepage), language settings, moderated comments or not, etc.

How to Create a Free Blog on WordPress (WP)

The WordPress script can be used for domains with self-hosting or free of charge. However, this article will discuss how to create a free blog on, where we can enjoy all services for free, both subdomains and hosting. Here are the steps:

1. The first step is to open a WordPress site, click or open this URL in your browser

2. After the WordPress page is open, please enter the web address you want, for example Then click the "Create Website" button. See the picture below:

3. A new page will appear. On this page, you will be asked to fill in fields, such as your email address, username (for login), password, and blog address.

  • Email address: fill in your email address
  • Username: Use your name or variation of your name (for example: nana89), this is for user name when logging in to WP dashboard
  • Password: fill in a password that is strong and easy to remember
  • Make sure the blog address: double check the address for your blog, for example ""
Don't forget to click the link that says "will use a free address" After all the fields have been filled, click the "Create Blog" button at the bottom.

4. The WordPress party will send a link to verify your email. Open your email, find an email from and click the link in the email. view image

5. After verifying the method described in step 4 above (click the verification link), a new tab will open in the browser and you will see your WordPress dashboard page. View image

The next step you might want to make is a logo or favicon for the blog you just created. To help you create a logo and favicon, you can use an online logo maker like Logaster. Open the Logaster website and you can make the best Logo for your new blog.

Settings, Designs and Posts on the WordPress Blog

Until step 5 above, you already have a WordPress blog. You can see the appearance of the blog by typing the name of your blog in the browser. However, you may feel that it doesn't match the default look of WordPress. You can start doing some settings on your WP blog, for example creating blog titles, making tag lines or short descriptions, changing themes, installing widgets and others.

1. WP Blog Settings

To make settings on a WordPress blog, you can do it in your WP dashboard by opening the "Settings" link button. In the settings section there are sub-categories of settings that you will edit. In my opinion, the most important thing in this section is regulation; general, writing, reading, discussion, here is a brief explanation:

  • General: In this section you can change the blog title with the desired title, and also add a tagline for your blog. In addition, you can also do a number of other settings on this page, for example adding icons for blo, changing the date and time format. Don't forget to save the changes you make.
  • Writing: In this section you can make writing settings, choose the standard writing category.
  • Reading: Here you can set the posts displayed on the main page of your blog. You can create static or dynamic pages, but my advice is that this is a blog so it would be better if you display a dynamic page. On this page you can also specify the number of articles that appear on the main page, and others. If you don't want anything special, just leave the settings on this page by default.
  • Discussion:Here you can manage how other people can comment on your blog. If you don't want something special, you should just leave the default settings on this page.

2. WP Blog Design

You can also change Themes and add widgets to your WordPress Blog. Set themes and widgets can make WP blogs look better and in accordance with the wishes of the blog owner. Open the "Display" link button on the dashboard of your wordpress blog. I think the most important part here is Themes, Widgets, Menus. Here's a brief explanation:

  • Theme: In this section you can choose a theme / theme that suits you. On there are lots of free themes with a great look. Note, don't choose premium themes, just choose a free theme.
  • Widget: Here you can add the widet you want that will be seen on the side bar of your WordPress blog. Note, do not enter too many widgets will affect the speed of loading your blog.
  • Menu: You can add several links to the menu through this page. For example, if you want to create a page about, contact page, privacy policy, etc., you can make it on this page.

3. Posting Content on WordPress

The next step is to make an article post. To post articles or other content, you can go through the "Posts" link button. Pay attention to the links in your dashboard:

  • All Posts: this is a link to see all article posts on your blog.
  • Add New: this is a link to create new posts / content on your blog.
  • Category: this is a link to see or add new categories on your wordpress blog.

To make posts on in my opinion it is very easy, even much easier compared to other platforms. All you need to pay attention to on the content creation page are as follows:

  • Title of content: Create a title that matches the content.
  • Content page: You can add content in the form of text (articles), images, and videos on this page.
  • Formating menu: Pay attention to the formatting menu on the WordPress work page. You can add links, set text, change the color of the text, add pictures and videos, and so on.
  • Categories and Tags: Don't forget to create categories and tags for each of your content. This will make it easier for you and your blog readers to view content with certain categories or tags.

If you are sure of your content, please click the "Publish" button on the right side of the WordPress work page. View image

Well, after reading the explanation above, of course you can already create your own WordPress blog. The steps described above are quite simple, and if you want to make the blog look better, you can create further. However, you need to know that limits users to editing html codes in WordPress blogs.

Thus a brief explanation on how to create a free blog on WordPress and Blogger. Hopefully this article can help friends who do not understand how to create a free blog. If something is unclear and you want to ask about the article above, please send a question in the comments section. Thank you for reading my article

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